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Flower Drawings

I studied flowers using the technique of observation. I used a small sketchbook and took it around with me in case I saw a flower to draw. The purpose of this small project was to present how I can observe and view an object and study its line, form and shape. 

Drawing is a relaxing and meditative hobby of mine that I have advanced into a skill. The study of plants is quite similar to that of drawing the human form as there is a structure in everything, it is just understanding how the object works. For example, humans have a large body surface area compared to that of a plant. Understanding this and using it as a concept for your drawing, makes the observation part a lot easier.

These specific drawings were the start of my Wired Project Part 1 and Part 2.

In the future, I am planning on adding some colour to these in order to being them to life. Watch this space!

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